
发布日期:2022-04-04 11:40    点击次数:93


⊙”麻将“相关的英语你都知道吗⊙ 每逢佳节,亲友团聚的时候,必不可少的项目就是打麻将。



首先,来认识一下麻将的牌: mah-jong, mah-jongg[mɑɑ] 麻将 the circle/dot tiles 筒/饼 the bamboo tiles 条 the character tiles 万 the flower tiles 花牌 接下来,麻将的基本操作也必须了解: claiming a tile to match a triplet 碰 claiming a tile for a quadruplet 杠 claiming a tile to win 胡 最后,胡牌也有非常是有讲究的: drawing a tile, after a gang, from the endof the wall to win the game 杠上开花 declaring a false win,falsely declaring a win 诈胡 winning by one's own draw,self-drawn 自摸 winning with all paired tiles,all triplets 对对胡 a natural win,a heavenly hand 天胡 earthly hand 地胡 你喜欢打麻将吗? 举报/反馈——本文tag标签——四人麻将